Tuesday, February 1, 2011

These are necklaces I made last night.  I can make all sorts.  I love the vintage charms.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Hope House

I made this house from a plain brown paper mache form for my friend Cyndi who was just diagnosed with breast cancer.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Chrysalis

The caterpillar transforms inside its chrysalis. It sheds its globulous, unattractive form to become something totally different, something reputed for its grace and beauty. I often wonder what the caterpillar undergoes inside the chrysalis. Is it like what I am experiencing now? I read that some moths and butterflies remember things from their caterpillar form. That is very interesting. Do I want to remember things from before? I do if they won't hurt me anymore. Am I strong enough to remember what I have gone through inside my chrysalis and not forsake all the progress and pain and reformation? That remains to be seen... .